7 Challenges of Implementing Change in Your Senior Living Community and How To Overcome Them

There’s so much information going around about how senior living communities can improve.  With hundreds of speakers at no less than five big industry conferences, podcasts, posts, and articles churning out weekly or monthly, and the occasional book release, there is plenty of expert opinion being dispensed on what senior [...]

7 Challenges of Implementing Change in Your Senior Living Community and How To Overcome Them2025-03-21T10:10:55-05:00

How to Be a Successful Leader for Your Team: The Payoff is Huge

Click HERE to find out how, courtesy of I Advance Senior Care. More useful tips from a previous blog post on leadership: Research has found that great managers have these talents: They have high emotional intelligence. They know how to motivate and inspire their team. They make decisions that foster [...]

How to Be a Successful Leader for Your Team: The Payoff is Huge2022-11-18T09:33:41-06:00

Want High Employee Engagement and Loyalty? Be a Compassionate Leader!

Click HERE to find out how, courtesy of Mcknights Senior Living and AGEucate Training Institute.

Want High Employee Engagement and Loyalty? Be a Compassionate Leader!2022-11-18T09:36:24-06:00

10 Fun Ways to Inspire Residents and Employees To Take A Survey

Your survey is coming up! Below are some fun and effective ideas for getting residents or employees to take the survey. Shoot for 100% participation to send the message that every voice matters.   1. Recruit a few employees or residents to serve as survey ambassadors responsible for promoting the [...]

10 Fun Ways to Inspire Residents and Employees To Take A Survey2022-06-02T15:30:19-05:00

Most Important Reasons Residents Choose Their Community – Advocates Versus Detractors

What are the top features residents and family members look for when they are exploring their senior living options?  Are these must-haves universal?  Which ones are important enough to continue to delight residents and family members after moving in? In early 2021, Sensight Surveys asked 5,724 residents and family members [...]

Most Important Reasons Residents Choose Their Community – Advocates Versus Detractors2022-06-02T15:14:23-05:00

Residents, family members highly satisfied with senior living community response to COVID-19

Lynn Ackerman, Ph.D., is co-founder and chief customer officer at Sensight Surveys LLC. Reposted from McKnight's Senior Living Marketplace on January 28, 2021 Senior living providers have gotten their fair share of media coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although many stories have focused on the challenges group care settings have faced while [...]

Residents, family members highly satisfied with senior living community response to COVID-192022-06-12T11:29:54-05:00

How To Create An Action Plan That Works

You’d like to make an improvement in your community.  Perhaps you recently conducted a survey and received feedback from residents that the food is often cold.  Maybe your care team is frustrated that resident care supplies are always running out.  Perhaps team members have been asking for more training.  Whatever [...]

How To Create An Action Plan That Works2023-03-11T12:06:02-06:00

Introducing The Rock Star Management Team. Your #1 Driver of Employee and Resident Engagement

At Sensight Surveys, we help clients see where they are performing well and where they can improve to increase employee and resident engagement.  Our 15 years of research shows time and time again that communities with high engagement levels have a rock star management team.  The evidence is in the [...]

Introducing The Rock Star Management Team. Your #1 Driver of Employee and Resident Engagement2022-06-02T15:17:42-05:00

Must Have Metrics for Your Resident and Employee Engagement Surveys

  There are two main reasons you should be measuring resident and employee engagement in your senior living communities.  One is to understand the broad emotional sentiment residents and employees have toward your organization.  The other is to understand practically which service areas should be the focus of your continuous [...]

Must Have Metrics for Your Resident and Employee Engagement Surveys2022-05-28T11:44:47-05:00

The Secret Sauce of Resident and Team Engagement – Let’s Get Cooking!

ENGAGEMENT.  This word gets thrown around in business circles as something important to achieve. Indeed, research shows that employee engagement predicts important business outcomes like retention, productivity, and profits.  And high levels of customer engagement have been linked to brand loyalty, repeat business, and increased referrals. But what is engagement, [...]

The Secret Sauce of Resident and Team Engagement – Let’s Get Cooking!2023-01-24T15:23:16-06:00
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