Caring for seniors can be demanding work.  Sometimes downright exhausting.  There are good days and not so good days.  Your staff members do the best they can, but sometimes it’s hard to stay positive.

I’m going to share a secret with you that can turn bad days into not so bad days for both your staff and your residents.  Ready?  Here it is…


That’s it.  SMILE.

Smiling is infectious and can turn a bad mood around in seconds flat.  Research shows that the act of smiling sends a signal to the brain that reinforces a feeling of joy.  It also improves emotional and physical health.  Not only is it healthy to turn that frown upside down, it also happens to be a core tenet of amazing customer service.

If you want to build a positive culture in your community, train each staff member that great customer service begins with a smile.  And don’t forget to smile yourself.  A positive work climate starts with leadership and quickly trickles down to the entire community.

Happy Smiling!

“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”  – Mother Teresa

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