Reposted from Red Carpet Learning
Katie Locke, Director of Training and Possibilities

  1. Share stories that illustrate the important work your team does. Illustrate how they make a difference in the lives of the customers they serve.
  2. Celebrate results.  If you treasure it, measure it!  When you measure that which is important to your company, celebrate both the big and small gains. Let everyone know you value his or her hard work!
  3. Recognize birthdays.  A small recognition like a free lunch or a coffee with the boss on his or her birthday ensures your staff know that they matter to you, not just to your business.
  4. Create Fun Fridays.  Studies show that when we want to go to work every day we work harder and more productively. Engage your employees in creating Fun Friday’s to give everyone something to look forward to at the end of the week.
  5. Reward those who consistently do the right thing. Give surprise on the spot recognition.  For instance have a drawings for a small gift and enter everyone who is on time on a Monday or a Tuesday after a long weekend! Be sure to tie your recognition program into your expected customer behaviors. (You have those, right?)
  6. Coach, don’t micromanage.  Train your supervisors how to coach their team members to improve performance. Change your team’s approach to coaching and not micromanaging your team will empower them.
  7. Talk to your team members.   Find out…How do they think management is doing? Do they have ideas to help you improve? Are you rewarding those who work hard?
  8. Listen to your employees. Take action on their suggestions. Let everyone know who came up with an excellent idea to improve an area of your business. Make them feel proud!
  9. Respect your employees’ personal time.  If you need your team to work outside of normal business hours, let them know how much you appreciate them. Create a plan to ” make it up” to your team.
  10. Provide opportunities to volunteer. If your company has a charity they support, give your employees the opportunity to do meaningful work with the charity. Or for an organization individual’s feel strongly about, like their child’s school or a local charity. Share these stories at team meetings.
  11. Help develop your team. Everyone wants to feel like they are progressing in their career. Help team members see where they can grow and what they can obtain through their hard work.
  12. Promote Wellness. Being physically and mentally well ensures higher productivity and happier employees who have less time away from work due to illness.

And because we always give a little extra #13… Make sure your team members have the tools, the training and the knowledge they need to effectively serve your customers and live up to your brand promise.


Click here to go to the Red Carpet Learning website and request a free copy of 21 Days of Thank You and discover 21 ways to greatly improve employee morale by showing appreciation for your team members!