ENGAGEMENT.  This word gets thrown around in business circles as something important to achieve. Indeed, research shows that employee engagement predicts important business outcomes like retention, productivity, and profits.  And high levels of customer engagement have been linked to brand loyalty, repeat business, and increased referrals.

But what is engagement, how can it help you, and how do you get there?

Engagement embodies a level of enthusiasm that goes beyond feeling satisfied or complacent. It connotes a willingness on the part of residents and team members to expend extra energy on behalf of your community to help you succeed. It represents a loyal fan base that would recommend you without hesitation. It characterizes a state of mind among residents and team members that, when mobilized, can help you achieve a pipeline of referrals, high retention, full occupancy, and strong financial health.

Most residents agree that things like beautiful surroundings, delicious meals, and fun activities enhance their quality of life. And most team members agree that meaningful work, good training, and fair pay contribute to a positive work life. While these things are important, residents and team members who are truly “engaged” in their senior living communities describe their positive experiences in ways that point to one thing.

PEOPLE. Engagement comes down to being surrounded by great people.

Senior living communities who rank in the top 10% on the SENSIGHT ENGAGEMENT METER have residents and team members who describe their community in the following terms…

From Team Members:

“I have never worked for a company so caring and wanting the best for their employees and residents! The management team works so well as a team.”

“We are all here for each other and communicate daily. This is seriously The BEST, most compassionate company I have ever worked for. I am beyond Blessed!!!!”

“We are like family. We are a team with compassion for one another. I have never worked for a facility more willing to help each other. I love my job.”

“Our supervisor is very easy to talk to both personally and professionally. She helps us with anything that we might be struggling with.”

From Residents and Family:

“The staff is wonderful. There is very little turnover & this allows opportunities to build relationships. The director & her staff are great.”

“Love the caring and compassionate staff. They are incredibly thoughtful and kind. They always are eager to help. They make us feel like a family.”

“The staff are very caring and attentive to the needs of the residents. The facility director is fantastic.”

“The staff are wonderful! They care about the residents and family. Always answer questions. Just a great group of people.”

According to our research, communities that receive the highest engagement scores have leaders who do these things to foster a culture of engagement for their residents and team members:

  1. Consistently align their own behavior with the company’s mission and core values
  2. Show a sincere interest in the well-being of residents and team members
  3. Maintain an open door policy that encourages consistent two-way communication
  4. Treat everyone fairly
  5. Keep their promises

A community leadership team who cares, communicates openly and often, keeps their promises, and is fair to everyone drives engagement for both residents and team members. Add in compassionate staff members who work well as a team and provide a sense of home and family, and you have the secret sauce.

So, how do you begin to unleash the secret sauce in your community? Begin by taking an honest look at what practices are currently being used to hire, train, and reward leaders and front line team members. Here are some questions our clients are asking as they work to build their own cultures of engagement:

  • What characteristics are we looking for when we hire leaders and front line team members and how do we measure the extent to which they possess and display these characteristics?
  • How do we instill into all team members the ideas of mission, teamwork, and customer service with our orientation and training programs?
  • What are we doing to build strong teams and a sense of cohesiveness among our team members?
  • What steps are we taking to develop strong leaders and provide paths for advancement for all team members?

Want to learn more about measuring and improving resident and team engagement in your communities? Look for Sensight Surveys at Booth 865 at the Argentum conference in San Antonio on April 16th and 17th.

Sensight Show Link:  http://argentum19.mapyourshow.com/7_0/exhibitor_details.cfm?exhid=243&shareguid=C50E538E-DC9B-C9B0-E2EEC19601EF11FD

Or contact us at 630-237-4138 or lynn@sensightsurveys.com.