R-E-S-P-E-C-T | Engage Your Team 1-2-3
Watch the webinar Sensight Surveys hosted on how to engage your team members and increase retention based on decades of proven research. https://youtu.be/lA_xczOGC3U
Watch the webinar Sensight Surveys hosted on how to engage your team members and increase retention based on decades of proven research. https://youtu.be/lA_xczOGC3U
Is it true that, more than anything else, senior living employees want to feel appreciated for their work? YES IT IS. Two things we have found to be universally true from 15 years of surveying senior living employees: Recognition and praise for a job well done is the number one [...]
As Chief Customer Officer for a senior living survey company, one promise I make to my customers is that our analysis of their survey data will allow them to clearly identify top opportunities to improve and grow their business. A new trend in customer survey reporting is to summarize customer [...]
I have not spoken to one executive director that didn’t wish for full occupancy and high resident retention. My advice on how to make this happen: Find out what it would take to make your residents loyal advocates of your community, and do those things. Surveying your residents can give [...]
You conducted a satisfaction survey with your residents and team members. You reviewed your results and have a good idea of what you are doing well and what could use some improvements. Now what? Follow the steps below and I promise you will see a drop in resident and employee [...]
History shows that if you survey your residents and do nothing to promote the survey you will get around 30% back. That’s kind of low. Here is a list of things you can do to maximize participation in your survey. Our clients who have used a combination of these techniques [...]
Customer and employee surveys are often viewed as a means for determining what is wrong and how it should be fixed, and for that they are an effective tool. However, focusing solely on needed improvements in your survey results is like posing for a picture with your bad side. It [...]
Your survey results are in. You’ve identified your top improvement opportunities, shared the results with your team, and developed an action plan. Once improvement plans are underway, it’s tempting to wait until your next survey to find out if all your hard work has paid off. Go the extra mile [...]
I recently read an interview with Bruce Temkin, founder and principal of Temkin Group, a customer experience research and consulting firm. The company hosts an annual event called the Customer Experience Excellence Awards, which recognizes companies that deliver exceptional customer experience. In the interview, Bruce explains what winners of the [...]
As Executive Director or key member of community management, you are invested in retaining a high quality, committed workforce. You know that turnover costs you time and money and understand the importance of creating a rewarding work experience for your team members. So you decide to conduct an employee engagement [...]